Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Claire decided the other night that she was willing to watch a real movie and that movie was going to be Tinkerbell!! Her Uncle Tommy gave her this movie a long time ago but she's yet to really watch it.Rewind to 2001 (23 yrs old) and I wore a Tinkerbell costume for Halloween (complete with some not so innocent clear shoes...think "exotic". lol) I was quite the sight I am sure. Partayyyy! I knew I had this costume in the guest closet somewhere so I went digging. While we were all watching the movie (for the 2nd time that night) I snuck out to put on my costume. I came into the room and Claire was mesmerized...."MOMMY!!! You are TINKERBELL!!! You look beautiful!!" (if not slightly over grown for this silly costume). After I danced around sprinkling "pixie dust" on her and Eric while insisting I not be called Mommy, it was Claire's turn. A little tie back of the sleeves and she was set!! Pretty little tinker girl!

She was exhausted after this dress up game. She finally said..." I don't want to be Tinkerbell anymore Mom. Just Claire". Just the way we like her. Our little Claire.

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