Thursday, June 10, 2010

Best Friends

The other week Claire told her daddy and I that she "loved us realllllly much mommydad. you are my best friends." Our hearts melted. Sweetest. thing. ever. I had to get her saying it on tape the next day. I figured I would need to be reminded of this sweetness around nap time when she is throwing things from her crib to hit the back of the door while screaming (but nooooo, she's not tired!!).

I don't know why (enter sarcasm here) but when I told my mom what she said she thought it was cute at first then started to laugh. I mean cry laugh. I wasn't that bad as a teenager....sheesh! Wink wink (maybe a little). I'll just remind Claire when she is 16 that we really are "bff".

1 comment:

Michelle said...

That's adorable! Yep, gotta save that for the years to come.