Friday, June 4, 2010

Dancing Dolly

Today was recital picture day. Lots of dressed up girlies in their super cute costumes running around with makeup on! Mayhem! ha! Claire, however, did not like makeup. Which I had no problem with at this age but it was pretty funny trying to get makeup on her. Mascara....are you joking me!! She wiped it all over her face. It wasn't the look we were going for that's for sure!! =) So, we opted for some blush. I took a pic of her before we left the house. It was a mother's dream (atleast mine) to put on her costume, fix her hair, and swipe on the rosy cheeks. When I was pregnant I remember seeing a little girl in Payless trying on her tap shoes and I knew I wanted that exact moment. This was right before we knew the sex and I guess my intincts were in over drive.

Not much going on here. Laying low and not much to blog about to be honest. It's the beginning of summer break and we are chillin! Memorial day was nice. We got to see friends and family and it was an awesome low-key weekend.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

cute. how did she do?