Sunday, June 3, 2012


How cute is this video of Claire singing us her song for school graduation?! Claire usually NEVER sings her songs before the class party day. She takes it very seriously that it is a surprise for mom and dad. Her lips ain't sinkin' no ships. The night before her graduation she sang this one song in her sweet little voice. She is just so little to me some days and so big others. When she opens her mouth and recites countries in Africa and Europe she reminds me of how big she is getting. When she sasses me with attitude or gets embarrassed when I get on to her in front of her friends she reminds me of how big she is getting. Then there are those moments when they are quiet and sweet and little.

"I'm a little star. Shining bright. Getting bigger every night. When I finish preschool, I will shout...I'm a star so you better watch out!!!"

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