Thursday, May 26, 2011

Last day of school!

Is it sad that I cried because it was the last day of school? {yes, a little tear was because i am ont a fan of summer break} Ms. Melissa has been her teacher for 2 years and she has absolutely LOVED this class. It has been such a joy for Claire. It has been a joy for me too. I always always felt safe when she went to school and I trusted her teacher so much. It was a great feeling to know she was happy, loved, and learning. We have been so lucky and blessed to have known Ms Melissa and that Claire got to be in her class twice!

Claire had her dentist checkup appt. She did awesome! I had to take a pic of her being so brave getting her teeth polished with the real deal brush! Usually they have just cleaned with a regular brush until she got used to being there. She loves it now because she gets a prize at the end! ha!

Otherwise we are just hanging out playing trains and cars like usual! I never thought I'd know all the Thomas the train names and all the CARS cars but I actually like it. Of course, Eric likes it too!

Off to hug my Paigey Puddin Pop. She has her first real cold. :( Poor second baby. Big sis touching her and lovin on her....and giving her those fun germs!

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