Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I am loving all my friends right now! Sending well wishes and little reminders to take care of myself before the baby arrives. Today is the last official day before the induction begins...pending the hospital isn't booked up of course! What is it about being a mom already that makes it hard to take of yourself? I guess the answer is aren't alone anymore! I have been washing sheets, making dinner, and just being a maniac cleaner. I think I am wearing the fibers down on all our clothes, rugs, and sheets from over washing! It's a hormonal thing. What I need today is a shower, pedicure, and massage. I'll settle for a shower though! Pretty soon I will truly never be alone with 2 girlies around here. I will finally join the other crazies mamas who are in the land of 2....some even have 3 already that I know!!

Tomorrow morning we go to the hospital to start being induced. They start with a gel in the cervix and see what happens. If it works then I stay...if not I go home for a day or so then come back either in labor or to try another method. Say a prayer, cross your fingers, wish on a star...whatever...that my labs looks good and my blood work is positive and ready for induction and that the meds work swiftly tomorrow! ( i have had a low platelet count in my blood work which is why we are inducing. hoping to have a good blood work day and just get this ball rolling. if my #'s don't look good then i cannot receive and epidural due to risk of bleeding).

I'll keep posting hopefully on FB with more news!!! Time for that shower. My mom will be here in a few hours. =)

1 comment:

Jill Carilli said...

Good luck today!!! Will be thinking of you and praying your new angel is here soon! :)