Friday, February 5, 2010

She doesn't get it from me

Claire LOVES birds. I can tell you right now she did not get it from me! She loves to talk about the birds as we drive around and watch them in the backyard. She is seriously a fan. We gave her 2 toilet paper holders to make her binoculars and we look for birds every morning. She yells out the window...."WAKE UP BIRDIES!! TWEEEEET!!!". Her Grandma and Uncle Gordon (who are both bird admirers) are both so proud!

The red rain boots are another story. Claire loves this book called Gossie. It is a little yellow duck who loves to wear her bright red boots every day. She got the book last year from her Tia at Easter but showed no interest in the book until about a month ago. She sleeps with it now! Tia felt that Claire must have
red rain boots too so she got her a pair with a matching umbrella. It's too cute. Now we will have to run the water house and make it rain outside!

In great news, we got Claire's school stuff all squared away and we didn't even have to wait in line! Since she isn't switching classes they just let us pay and reserve her spot! YAH!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Do you have a birdfeeder, Kendal loves them eating off the feeder, or a birdhouse - K and I painted one and it was a fun project together?