Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ah, springtime

February starts spring in AZ. It's the most beautiful time of year! =) Time to be outdoors and enjoy the scenery before the heat rolls in. It makes me want to eat outside and sip a nice crisp white wine and relax. Claire and I enjoyed an outing to the mall with our buddies this morning. We also enjoyed an Italian soda. Oh my goodness....if you have never had one you must try it. It's club soda, raspberry syrup (or any flavor you like but raspberry is most commonly used), and milk. It's devine. This place at the mall, Leonidas, sells them. Claire agrees they are the best.


Michelle said...

SO cute!

Jenney said...

yeah... I can leave comments on your postings now ☺. I can not lie an Italian Soda sounds delicious!!