Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Summer boredom has set in and even blogging hasn't been interesting! But we are back and I have random pictures that I thought I'd share! The first pic is at Claire's buddy Kailyn's bday party. It's so funny how she is in the background and I am pretty sure she is giving us the stink eye for being so close! She would prefer Mommy and Daddy not to touch or kiss ever!

We had some fun visits from the fam in August. Aunt Carolyn brought lots of clothes for Claire and she loved trying them on while jumping on the bed. So cute. Uncle Tom and Tia brought dinner over to our house last week (how cool is that!) and some homemade cupcakes too. Claire loved seeing her "fan club" and loved her first all chocolate cupcake!

In big news....welcome to the world Baby Harlow Ava Lucky (August 12th) and Baby Beckett Hunter Bonjour (August 17th). I have seen Harlow and she is so adorable. I can't wait to see her again. I look forward to meeting Beckett very soon. I am so happy for Liz and Michelle on their new bundles of joy!

So, I am in the shower the other day and I hear Claire playing in our bathroom. I get out of the shower and she has every rubber duck she owns lined up along the tub. I had to snap a shot of this meeting of the ducks. So funny. The girl owns a lot of rubber duckies that's for sure.

Claire is starting school next Tuesday. It's a toddler program at a really fun preschool. I am very happy to have found a place like this for her age group. I think she will love learning new things (after the initial meltdown!). I am nervous because she is only turning 2 next month but she is craving something more and I see the signs. I also get to have 5 hours each week to just be me outside of the home. Wonder what I'll do first....probably cry then go get some Starbucks!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Those pictures are great!
Gotta love the stink eye!!!
I thought Kendal owned a lot of rubber ducks, that's hilarious!