Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Cheese face

Biscuit has a new "cheese" face. My still photo was not the best so I captured a video of her new smile. I would say I don't know where it came from but Eric and I have a long running little inside joke that involves a similar cheesy smile. We about died when she just turned to us this weekend and was smiling like a goose with all her might!

Claire also loves the phone a great deal. What girl doesn't after all? She found this cute little phone in the Pottery Barn Kids store and it was love at first sight!

Daddy went to help Uncle Gordon move into his new house this weekend. She thought it would be funny to try on Dad's work boots! NICE! We can't wait for Gordon to relocate for good soon! I woke up Saturday and came downstairs to find Unkie G and Claire having tea and toast at the kitchen table. Too stinkin cute!

Today was ballet class. She made it all the way through dance class today. She did cry but she was so brave and managed to stick it out. When class was over she came out of the room with lollipop in hand. She bawled when she saw me of course. I was so proud of her though. She told everyone that...."I MADE IT!". She can now buy the t-shirt that says..."I survived ballet class!!". Maybe next week she'll actually have some fun!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Those are adorable. Glad she made it through class, she'll start liking it next week.