Wednesday, September 21, 2011

7 months

I can't believe it's 7 months already but at the same time I can. It doesn't feel like I just had her yesterday anymore. She isn't a newborn. I don't worry about night feedings and haven't since 10 weeks old (angel baby). She is putting on baby fat and sitting up better everyday. I can't help but have this weird feeling about 7 months though. Its the month where things start to change...maybe crawling begins or a tooth pops up. I can see it happening already. She has been squealing the past 2 days. It's loud too. I could have sworn I had already put her in a box and labeled her my quiet child. What's happening!!! I am happy to see her little personality emerge but I feel a small ache that we are turning a corner and I can't put on the brakes. 4-6 months has been blissful. Heck, the whole 7 months has been blissful for me and to use the word bliss in the same sentence as baby is something I never thougth I'd say. When I went through post-partum depression after Claire I didn't get to connect to such emotions as joy and bliss for almost the first whole year. When I would tell other moms what I felt they would feel sorry for me and in my mind I thought they were just being crazy or fake saying things were so great. Who the hell likes a crying up at night newborn. Well, no one does really but the fact is you can still feel happy emotions throughout it all and this time I have that. It feels good and it makes me really not want her to turn any corner or stop being my little baby. I know it's selfish but I promise to put her down once in awhile so she can learn to crawl. Maybe.

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