Friday, January 1, 2010


A decade complete! Happy New Year 2010!! I am going to say twenty-ten too. I don't care if that is not cool. I like it!

This decade started off life changing. I buried my dad 5 days before my 23rd birthday. I wasn't expecting that or the life that followed but it changed me to the core and set me on a new path. A direction that has ultimately led me to wear I sit right now and for that I am grateful. I found a job that I kept for 5 years until becoming a mom. I became an aunt to my adorable Abby. I met my husband and had a wonderful wedding in Houston, TX with our family and friends. We shared a passion for the desert and moved to Arizona. Just us and our 2 cats. We started a new life here and had our beautiful daughter. I have made new friends I adore and some friendships faded. All things have a reason for the season. My nephew was born just a few weeks ago. Eric and I rang in our 6th NYE!! It's been a whirlwind decade!

Here is to the next 10 years!! No resolutions for me but I do hope that every year gets sweeter and I become more patient. More wise. More understanding. And more of myself.

Some pics of the party we went to last night:

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