A blog is an outlet right? Well...I need to get it out! I am SICK of being the MAID! I am tired of being the house bitch. I can't remember the last time Eric
vacuumed or did anything besides unload the dishwasher. This is not because he is your typical lazy male. No, he is quite responsible and he does everything he can to help but now that I stay at home it seems to all fall on me these days. Because this is my
job right? JOB! I am a stay at home mom and I do feel the house and baby fall more under my jurisdiction. But when do I get weekends? When does my day get to end at 5pm? A job is something you get paid for or get benefits..hell, a vacation day now and then! Pretty sure I am not seeing that! Don't get me wrong...given the choice I would be a stay at home mom
any day because the reward of seeing my baby during these early days is amazing. I get to see her crawl and stand up and eat from her spoon for the first time. Daddy misses these first attempts because he is at work. The point is not that I don't want to be home with Claire. I am just downstairs cleaning right now because the family will be over today and who is napping right now!?! Well, it's not me! This was my morning to sleep in so I did...until 8am....watch out! As soon as I got up I
vacuumed the downstairs before Claire's nap then I gave Claire her bottle and put her down. I have barely even peed. I just get up and start working. It can easily make you crazy some days! Today was that day! I am thankful for my new job and
grateful to have my husband here with me but I am only human sometimes!
Off my bitchy soap box. Time to mop.
trust me, i get it. =)
Holy crap. I am on your page, sister. The sad thing is that that is the dynamic with being a mom. We have a million job titles and the job NEVER EVER ENDS! There is NO way to get fired, NO way to resign, NO way to vacate...it never ends. But they are OUR babies and we get to see all the firsts so, you are right, there is a big upside to being the house bitch.
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