Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas Stuff

Cox Early Christmas ~Dec 1. 10 Coxes on a couch, it's a Christmas miracle!

Uncle Tommy helping Paige open presents at Cox Christmas. Paige ever so suspicious. Love their matching pink outfits!

Claire at the Nutcracker ~ Dec 22

Claire and the Snow Princess
Christmas Eve. Putting out reindeer food! Dressed for the AZ cold! BRRR! She LOVES her boots.

Christmas morning playing with her 1000 piece art kit!
Paige got a "scoo" as she calls it. Now she needs to learn to ride it so we don't have to push her!
She just will not look at me for pics. Toddlers!

Paige cracking up at Tia. Sitting at the table like a big girl. Love her.

Loving their new puppy sleeping bags.

December was full of celebrating for The Cox Family. We kicked off Dec 1st with Cox early Christmas. We usually do this in Gold Canyon but it was at our house this year which was super fun. We love having the extra space now in our new home and having everyone over! Claire is out on winter break for 2.5 weeks and we started her holiday off with her first Nutcracker ballet. It was awesome despite the back issues I am having. It is getting frustrating to keep talking about it but the fact is I have some sort of disc problem in my lower back and it's causing me lots of problems. Sadly, my marathon training has come to a halt and that has made me so sad because I was really doing good and was so consistent with my training. Now I question if I can even do it all even if I walked because walking hurts too right now. I have an orthopedic appt in Jan and a MRI soon. Back to Christmas though! Christmas Eve was our usual church and homemade chicken pot pies dinner at our house. Christmas morning Santa came and the kids tore into their gifts. Claire got her giant 1000 pieces of crap of art supplies and stickers. Paige got a scooter which she loves. She cracks us up because she just stands there and expects to be pushed. What do you expect from a 22 month old I guess! Christmas Day was at Tom and Carla's like always and we had our usual prime rib dinner. It was wonderful and the girls got more goodies.  They love their new sleeping bags that Uncle Tom and Tia got them.

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas too!

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