Sunday, August 21, 2011

Look who is trying to sit up

The funhouse mirror! Who is that cute baby with the red hair!

Sitting up!!!! (then falling over right after i snap the pic)

Sisters hanging out. No, I won't push you baby Paige.

She is practicing her sitting up and she is getting better every day. It won't be long now. Then mobility won't be far after....omg...not ready for that. I am enjoying this baby phase SO much and eating up every second that she is this little. This has been easy street. No discipline, no control issues about clothes or shoes, no eating picky-ness. I know she has to grow up and I know things will change and she will hit milestones (good and bad) but I can't help but want her to be my baby forever. With your first baby (for most of us anyways), you are scrambling trying to figure things out and it all seems overwhelming. I didn't leave the house with Claire for the first 2 months!! LOL! That's crazy talk for the 2nd baby...well, that's kind of crazy period! This go round has proven to be so much easier and yes, happier. I guess I also know now how fast this baby time goes by and I just want it to slow down. The smiles and kicking her legs with excitement in her crib when I enter the room each morning...BEST FEELING EVER!!

Pretty soon she'll be an amost 4yr old like big sis! I can't believe that is just around the corner. My sweet big sister girl.

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