Monday, July 19, 2010


yes, she is in a toy stroller, naked, in a kiddie pool. that's how we roll.

she thinks you need to read a magazine to poop (wonder where she gets this?).
now if she would just poop!
July has been hot, tiring, and full of 2 yr old craziness. We have the summer time blues and Claire really misses school. One more week to go of summer break. YEEHAW! I have just been pooped with this pregnancy so far. I guess having a toddler will do that do your energy level. Especially a toddler who likes to lay on the at-ti-tude. Ov's a struggle lately and she is for sure testing the boundaries. Wearing me down to the core!

In other news, Claire has been potty training. She has been peeing in the potty since December but hasn't been wearing undies. So proud of my little potty trainer. Now if we could just take that elusive poop IN THE POTTY we could all play a game of Candy Land (this is the grand prize for a poop but no go so far). I am dying to play this game and see if it's everything I remember it to be! Actually the game Life was my all time fav but I digress.

Throw in some daily naked time (for Claire only. she refuses to wear clothes at home), bowling with friends, swim class, and just hanging out and you have yourselves July in a nutshell!

1 comment:

Jenney said...

Love the look on her face in the potty mom ... pleeeze lol. She is so adorable. How is the poop thing coming along? Have you played Candy Land yet? Good luck!