Friday, February 22, 2008

Blogging, baby body, and the need for Depends!

Well, I am sure I could write a whole paragraph about blogging and how I can't believe I am doing it. It took me a week to even consider really having one with as much time as I already devote to the computer but here I am!

So, we bought girl scout cookies from a neighborhood girl and she came by last night to deliver the goods. Her mom was with her and I stood in the doorway holding Claire while Eric went for the cash. The mom asked how old Claire was and was surprised that it seemed I had lost all the baby weight. 'Yes I did' I tell her but the weight seems to be distributed differently now. She asked me if I was still breast feeding. I told her no and that I gave up at month 2. She said that she had 3 kids and breastfed all over the course of about 5 yrs straight! As we talk over her little girls head in "grown-up" talk we basically let each other know that the boobs are shot! I did it for 2 months and they are shot. I can't imagine 5yrs worth! I tried on a bathing suit in Target the other day with Claire in her stroller watching me. I got it on and she started to cry. How ironic I thought...I wanted to cry to. Then I thanked her for this new body! (in the voice of course...THANK YOU!) I do look at my body differently now...sometimes with pride at what it accomplished and other times with disgust at the no longer perky anything!

Another grand perk of the post partum body has been bladder control or lack there of I should say! I have a cold right now and have noticed that I wet myself when I sneeze! I mean...really?! This sucks!!! Do I need Depends already?! I see bladder control commercials and I can relate. Not something I expected at the ripe ole age of 30!

Ah Motherhood...ain't it grand!

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