Sunday, March 18, 2012

Busy Body

This girl was such a busy body during our 12 month photo shoot that I could barely capture a still shot of her! She didn't care much for her crown either! lol! Neither one of my girls are much for bows or headbands in their hair. That suits me just fine. It's just one less thing to fuss with each day.

We had Paige's 12 month checkup today(yes, one day before she turns 13 months). We had to delay her shots due to her ear infections. They almost delayed them again today since her ear looked irritated still and he didn't want her to get a fever and not know if it was the shots or her ear. I reminded the doc that there had been a mumps outbreak 3 miles from my house and he immediately agreed that the shots were necessary (MMR is the 12 month vaccine). He said that the worry of her ear actually getting infected and the fever issue was silly in comparison to her getting the mumps. Thank goodness!! How scary to worry about mumps or measles in this day and age! She is doing good and is healthy overall. She has some delayed gross motor skills but I am certain we can work through them and she will be standing and walking in the next few months!

We just wrapped up Spring Break last week and it flew by. We didn't do much and it was actually nice. I had a cold so that didn't help much but still it was nice to relax and play at home. Next week Grandma visits AZ! We can't wait to see her!

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