Monday, February 20, 2012

One Year Old

Birthday banner I made for Paige with all her monthly onsie stickers. I LOVE IT!

Paige LOVED the cards
Paige's first little cake. I have been making one for Claire every year. It's our tradition.

Swinging at the park on her birthday.

Happiest Birthday Girl!
Happy Birthday Paige! What a wonderful year it has been too. She completed our family in a way I never knew could be possible. It sounds cliche but it's very true. We celebrated with the Cox family Saturday with a taco bar dinner at our house. Lots of margaritas and of course some time around the fire pit after the kids went to bed! Monday (her actual bday), we had a picnic at the park and just chilled all day. Since it was a holiday we were all home together. I still can't believe it's been a year. I opened up my email Monday morning and Baby Center had sent me my weekly email about Paige except now it was titled, "Your Toddler This Week". WHAT?! Not yet. It did say that some people mark the 1st birthday as becoming a toddler and others say when your baby walks they become a toddler. I think I'll wait until she starts to walk. She is still my sweet baby!

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