Thursday, January 19, 2012

And she's off

We had a slow start but Paige is a crawler now!!! 2 days before her 11 month birthday. We had a visit to the doc the other day (i thought she had an ear infection but it's just crazy teething) and he gave us the warning that if she couldn't crawl in 4 weeks and 3 days (her first birthday) then she would need physical therapy. It was a combination of reasons....she doesn't pull up yet either or show signs that she is maybe one of those kids who never really crawls but just goes into cruising/walking. She was showing small progress in the past 3 weeks by learning to sit up from laying down and rocking on all fours and that was a good feeling. Although I was concerned I knew she could do it! The light bulb went off in her head and she connected the movements. I cried and cheered all at once. GO PAIGE!! It's your world now. You are off!!

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