-is 9lbs, 15ozs
-has reflux like her big sister and spits up a lot. sometimes projectiles through the nose.
-lives in a bib because of said reflux problem
-totally has my long toes! poor kid!
-is a good night sleeper. we only have one feeding at night!! 9pm-3am then back down for a couple more hours from 4-6am.
-is pretty chill but would love it if we held her all day and kept her soothie in her mouth for her.
-is getting used to being in her carseat and adjusting to life with claire on the go!
-is not really into the baby but is coming around.
-is into Thomas the Train still
-LOVES the movie Cars and it is now her new "thing"! we have lots of cars and trains around here
-is a definite tomboy. i love that she sees no gender yet.
-is social but doesn't like people in her personal space until she knows you. she keeps to herself a lot at parties and other big gatherings. she's more of a one on one kid. (kind of like her mom).
-breaks my heart when she screams at me and it happens a lot lately. she is adjusting and coping to her new life as a sibling.
-can write all her letters
-loves to tell time
-is challenging me to the core
-is my heart and soul

-is doing better than she thought.
-isn't nearly as sleep deprived as expected.
-is obsessed with shopping on amazon!!!
-super forgetful. pregnancy brain to baby brain...from bad to worse!
-is 5lbs away from her pre-pregnancy weight but the shape of the body is SO NOT the same.
-is technically 15lbs away from ALL pre-pregnancy weight but doesn't care to be that skinny again.
-loves having 2 girls
-is learning to juggle 2 girls
-is committed to working on my emotions as a parent. yell less. be compassionate and help claire work through her own emotions right now.
-isn't looking for perfection but has a willingness to be better.
Love. :)
She being me :)
Love your honesty, LOVE YOU!
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