I cannot believe one month has passed already! I snapped some pics of my red headed beauty! Yes, we are in awe of her hair! We love it!
This past month has gone rather well. I was so scared of having a newborn again since I had post partum depression after Claire was born. I saw this time of having a new baby as a not so good time in my life and was afraid of going through it again. I "missed" some of the joy...a lot of the joy actually...of having a baby so to have things going smoothly with Paige has been such a wonderful experience. I have had some baby blues moments and I have cried over breast feeding woes but the difference is it hasn't set me back. It's been normal. Last week I went to the OB to check on some pain I was having and I started to cry when the doctor asked if I have been depressed at all since the baby was born {given my history}. I told her things had been overall really good but that I felt like the other shoe may drop at any time and that sneaky little thing called depression was going to tap me on the shoulder like the boogie man. "He" was going to steal my joy again. I realized then that I had to stop thinking that way because I know better now. I know the signs and so far so good!!! I am here in the now and present in Paige's life. The only thing I am not sure of is how to feed her on the go! lol! Her darn reflux makes this tricky. She will be living in a bib like Claire did for the next 4 months or more! Getting Claire to school with Paige is pretty much my biggest dilemma right now. I will be working on that routine and I am sure we'll figure it out just about the time Paige starts to change to some other schedule!
Happy One Month Birthday Paige! We love you so much and in 4 short weeks you have brought so much joy into our lives!!! Joy that I can really feel!!!
Good for you! I am so happy all is going well and so far, so good, right? One day at a time and you will be great!
She's gorgeous, Kristen! I love her red hair. So precious.
You got it girl! You CAN and ARE doing this! One day at a time. Enjoy it and absorb it all in. I am so proud of you. She is beautiful just like her mamma and big sis. ♥ya
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