Other than lack of sleep due to a very noisy 2 yr old who is teething and waking a LOT and me needing to pee all night, we are good over here. The lack of sleep is making for some cranky tired tantrums before nap and bedtime but like everything else this too shall pass. We signed Claire up for soccer and it starts in September. She is SOOO excited. She has her tennis shoes and soccer ball ready to go. I will post pics soon! She is practically sleeping in her new shoes she loves them so much.

Babies are miracles, ultrasounds are amazing that's wonderful you have had 2 already!!! How did you label the body parts like that? I love it! How are you feeling? You must be exhausted with Claire up at night AND the pregnancy!
Wow! That is awesome. So glad you are doing well :) Let us know how Claire likes Soccer...i am thinking of signing Zach up in the spring time :)
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