We have achieved "big girl" status officially over here! The bed is out! She napped for 3 hours in it today. We haven't yet decided about a headboard or if we will do a daybed/trundle (which is probably our choice) but for now this will do just fine to get the transition rolling! Sometime between now and February she will be moving rooms too. The baby will get the little room and she will get the guest room. One transition at a time though right?! Once we find out the sex of the baby it will help us move onto the next phase of decorating.
We are hoping tonight goes well too. We are putting up a safety rail tonight too. This whole transition makes me nervous....will she nap everyday? will she terrorize her room? I am sure all these fears will be met but worked through but I can't help but be a bit scared of her new found freedom. At the same time I am super excited for her. We kissed through the rails of her crib last night and I knew it would be the last time. Bittersweet.....but we'll be doing it all again soon! Just not with my baby Claire anymore.
Okay so how is it going? Are naps still happening and is she sleeping through the night. I really like the purple and green together. Such a big girl!
Cute room, Claire is getting so big!!! Yes, how is it going? Funny, I saw Paulina today at the Chandler Mall Bookstore.
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