She's here!
Paige Scotlyn Cox
8lbs, 12oz
21 1/4 inches long
February 20, 2011 @ 9:40pm

Last Sunday was the day! We went back for the 2nd induction and this time my platelets were 100K on the dot. 100K is the cutoff to receive an epidural (for anyone wondering the normal range for platelets which help clot your blood starts at 150K-400K). We were pumped. The nurses said we are keeping you, starting the IV, and beginning the pitocin to induce contractions. We started very very slow on the pitocin at about noon. Several hours passed and contractions were sporadic and not that strong. Around 4pm I was about 4cm dilated. At 5pm the doctor came in to break my water and the pitocin was upped again. The contractions started coming at that point! Active labor had begun. By 6pm I was very ready for the epidural. Those contractions were killer and I can't imagine having to go past that point without the meds. I was very grateful!!! Around 8pm I was 6cm dilated. I had a wonderful epidural this time. I was completely flat out numb with Claire from the waist down but this time I had no pain but I could move just a little and feel my toes! I could feel lots of pressure down low so I asked to be checked again. At 9pm I was 9cm dilated! It was about time to push. We waited for the doc, pushed a little to keep her head down and waited for my mom to arrive at the hospital. 9:40 she was born! It went fast and smooth. It was a great experience. My mom got to see the birth! I had Eric on one side and my mom on the other coaching me while I pushed. I did have some post partum bleeding due to my lowered platelets. The doc had some trouble stopping the bleeding and locating where it was coming from. She finally found a cut in my cervix. Apparently my doc pulled out my cervix and stitched me up. The nurse told me later but didn't want to freak me out at the time. I saw lots of blood though so I was getting nervous. Then another nurse came in to give me a shot in my leg to help stop the bleeding. Once the bleeding got under control things have been fine ever since. Whew! My platelets were going up before I left the hospital which is an even more clear sign that it was just gestational. The labor I worried about the past month because of the blood issue turned out to be a dream labor in the end.
just born...
We are home and things are going good so far. I feel like it's the calm before the storm though! Babies don't stay sleepy all day long forever! =) Feedings are going good and going from bottle to breast has been great. No problems! My mom left today so we are sad to have her gone. Eric is home for a few more days then it's time to take flight on our own. I am nervous but I know we will find our groove and the only way to find that groove is to finally do it alone.
We are just so happy she's here, healthy, and all is going good! Claire is being a great big sister too and getting used to baby being around. We are so proud of our girls!!!
I am SO glad you had a great birth!! Yay for Epidurals. It took from 4pm to 1am to get me to 5cm when they would give me my epidural and the contractions were so bad I was thrashing in pain and threw up twice, merely from the pain. So I too don't know how Moms do it natural! :)
Congratulations! You have a precious family!
Sorry.... that was from Chrissy :)
CONGRATULATIONS, she is soo beautiful! I tried copying the pic so I could post on my blog but it didn't work:( Sounds like a pretty great process overall!
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