First, Claire took a poop on the potty yesterday for the first time!! She has been in undies since last July but would NOT poop on the potty. We talked about it the last 6 months but didn't push. Yesterday she did it and today she gets a big girl bike!! Of course, she's spent the last hour crying for her pull up today while Eric was out of the house for about 2 hours. My first trial with 2. I had to put Paige down to spit up on herself and deal with my screaming 3 year old who shut herself in her closet but hey...all things take practice and she'll continue to get the hang of it.
Second, get a load of this red hair!! My mom and brother have red hair as does my nephew. I hope she keeps it! It's adorable. Her eyelashes and brows are even strawberry. I love it!! We always joked about getting a red headed baby and looky there!