The pictures pretty much speak for themselves. There was a train and a kite just like Santa promised! We sprinkled reindeer food (oats and glitter) so the reindeer could find our front door. We put out our Santa key and cookies.....the rest is history! Our last Christmas as 3 was a great one!!
31 weeks pregnant and already feeling like I am going to pop! Last Sunday I had some random bleeding accompanied with back and front cramping. After 3 hours in the OB triage things seemed to check out ok so off I went. Nothing much has happened since then except constant Braxton Hicks and mild back cramps. Just hanging in there and taking it as easy as possible! Otherwise I feel good! Now if only the "pee" fairy would leave me alone at night! SHEESH! How does pee keep producing itself when you haven't had a drink in hours during the night. HOW?!?!
1 comment:
I once read that you start peeing a ton in your third trimester cause your body wants to get you used to waking up multiple times in the middle night for feedings. Ever notice how you tend to wake up to pee every 2-3 hours. Pretty interesting huh? Hang in there Momma.
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