On Saturday, I got a surprise phone call that my grandma was in Phoenix overnight. She and her husband, Ernie, live 4 hours south of Phoenix and had a conference to attend. I took Claire to their hotel room and she had a ball. It makes me so happy to see my grandma (my dad's mom) and Claire together. I was so lucky to have grandparents for all of my childhood and more. Eric only had one maternal grandparent at birth just like Claire. I find this so interesting that they have this in common. I know they will be able to bond over this later and Claire won't feel alone in her situation. Eric and I think of our parents often and how much they would have loved Claire. Being grandparents would have been their greatest joy. A piece of them is with us everyday though in our little girl.
At school last week the kids made Grandparent's Day cards! So cute. Anything with
hand prints just melts me
every time. We mailed the card to Grandma and she was so excited. My mom wanted to show Claire on
web cam that she had received the card and let's just say Claire wasn't too excited to see her art work not in her possession anymore. She gave a little bit of a stink eye to Grandma with folded arms. Attitude!
I can't forget a shot of Claire having Friday Pizza Night with her dad and Uncle Gordon. Every Friday is pizza night at the Cox household. Exciting!

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