look at

How much can I expect though from my newly 10 month old? Obviously, I am asking too much for a simple "no" to be the end of her sticky little fingers on our stereo, computer, and TV. I have tried to "discipline with dignity" and give her a chance to back away from an object without hovering over her. I tell her no then give her some space to step away. That worked for 3 days now she is on to me. She laughs at me when I tell her no. I gave her a hand tap the other night and she fell over laughing. Are you kidding me?! I am guilty of laughing because it is kind of funny but lately I am not laughing. I am crying. I am done. I am sending SOS smoke signals. It doesn't help today that I have this massive sinus headache or else I could dish out a little more patience. I thought I would have more positive insight after my last rant but I am pooped today. She won't nap in the afternoon no matter what I have tried. She got better last week for a few days and stayed on schedule but she is now back to rebuking her 2nd nap. I am desperately missing this break in the day. Maybe it's just more teething woes. I will just chalk it up to that so I can rest easier tonight knowing I don't have a future problem child on my hands. Being the tree though....I know the apple doesn't fall far.
Let's just throw out there that Daddy got off work and it's his gym night. So he's out there getting his stress free workout time with his headphones on just tuning out the world. Me...jealous? or perhaps just irritated? He's damn lucky I love him.
***UPDATE: I must update that my hubby came home early from his gym routine and brought me my favorite shrimp lo mein for dinner. :) He even searched for flowers at this little health grocery store but they didn't have any.
All together....."AAAWWWE"!!
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