Okay, have you ever checked on your child when the room got too quiet and they aren't in your sight? I check on her and if she is indeed just playing still and not into something she shouldn't be then I try to back away very quietly without her seeing me. Never make eye contact. That's my rule! It's sad but true. Once she sees me it's over. Her attention will be back on me and if I walk away she will freak out. With one nap a day I have to sneak these breaks in when I can. At dinner time we put her in the exersaucer to watch a DVD for 20 minutes. Again, we never make eye contact. She watches the TV and we eat dinner. We glance over at her lovingly but NEVER EVER make eye contact. We love her but if you want peace that is the rule!
I saw this book online:

The title cracks me up. As Claire STOOD up in the front part of the shopping cart and held onto the handles while I pushed her through Target I realized how true that book title was. I would have thought that was terrible as a pre-parent but when she is cracking up it's hard to stop. Yes, I tried not to let others see us for fear they might think I was a bad mom who let their child do unsafe things but hey she was having fun and so was I. No harm done. When they are this little you are largely responsible for their happiness. This means keeping an open mind!