Claire had a doc visit today for her stuffy nose. She's had a little green snot and I didn't want it to lead to anything worse. Overall she has seemed pretty healthy though. Just a little cranky about her tooth and the one next to it trying to make it's appearance. One thing I found out today while at the doc was that I have played a singular role in turning my child a lovely shade of orange (especially her nose). Claire likes "orange" foods...carrots, sweet potatoes, acorn sqaush, chicken noodle dinner. To be fair there aren't many "dinners" that aren't of the orange color but I digress. I put greens on the back burner because they weren't her favorite and now she is turning into an Oompa Loompa. I didn't even acknowledge her yellowish/orange undertone until my brother saw her on webcam one evening and asked why her nose was orange. YIKES! I just thought she had her daddy's coloring. Just blame it on Dad right? I took her to Houston and my mom said the same thing. Of course being a veteran mom she already called the diet issue. So I have an antibiotic for the green snotty nose and some green beans for the orange nose!
1 comment:
Ummm, nomore orange foods Claire. You can only have orange skin when you do a fake spray tan one day, sister!
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