My dear friend
Jenney keeps asking me to update my blog more often so she has something to do at work! LOL! So I thought I'd surprise her and dedicate an entry to her! I don't often talk about my buds on here but I have been blessed with a small group of people I consider good friends. Real friends. The ones who see it all and love you anyway!
Jenney and I met back in 2004 when I became her Assistant Manager. She took a leap of faith and hired me over the phone. I already worked for the company but in another city. We clicked immediately and even shared some personal experiences like losing a parent.
Jenney was a great friend and a great mentor. She helped give me the confidence I needed at work and believed in me when I moved to Arizona and took a new job with our company. I knew she always had my back
. The best part was we were friends too and I knew she would be in my life no matter where we worked or lived. Jenney and her husband introduced me to Eric too!
In early 2006 Jenney was diagnosed with lymphoma. She underwent many intense months of chemo followed by 6 weeks of radiation. She was the closest person I had ever known with cancer and I was scared for her. She lost her hair. She lost her eyelashes and eyebrows. She lost her chances of conceiving a child because of the chemo. What she didn't lose was her spirit and her courage. Even with tubes hanging out of her chest and not being able to take a normal shower for 6+ months (b/c you can't get the tubes submerged in water. the tubes are for administering the chemo to the site of the tumor area.), she was happy and positive. She was human. She cried. She was down some days but I can hardly remember when. All I saw was someone who took what energy she had left and came to work and brought a smile with her. I saw it up close and I saw her handle it with true grace. I think the people around her worried more than she did most days. It wasn't easy not knowing the outcome of her situation. However, it did end and it ended on a good note!
The outcome was and still is full remission! The outcome was 2 years later adopting a beautiful little girl only months after joining the adoption agency! It was a miracle and it happened in swift timing. The birth mother chose them immediately and Ahliana was born a few weeks later! Ahliana couldn't look more like Jenney and Keith! It's simply amazing! Jenney and Keith were just newlyweds when cancer sent their life on a new path and they weren't sure if a baby would be possible but now their family is complete! God is good.
I am proud to call Jenney my friend and so proud of all she has gone through. Her strength will reside in me and so many around her forever.
Love you!!!
Us in Kemah, TX. Eric and I's first date back in March of 2004!! |
Being silly at a party in 2004 |
Christmas party 2005!! Just weeks before the doc found the tumor on top
of her lung. Crazy to think she had cancer here and we had no idea. |
Easter 2006. Rocking the do-rag. |
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Mommy and Ahliana! Happily ever after. |