A few questions and answers about how 2008 wrapped up:
1. What did you do in 2008 that you’d never done before? Does being a mom count since Claire was born in 2007? The fog didn't lift until 2008! It's been a new experience every step of the way!
2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I didn't really make any for last year. Too crazy with a 3 month old to make resolutions. This year I want to get back in shape...not original I know but I need to all the same!
3. Did anyone close to you give birth? My friend, Rachel, just gave birth a few days ago to her 2nd boy. I can't wait to see her and the new baby.
4. Did anyone close to you die? My grandmother died in November.
5. What countries did you visit? Mexico
6. What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008? More peace of mind.
7. What dates from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? Sept 29 - Claire's first birthday. Nov 30- My grandma died. March 28 - Mom's 60th bday.
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? I can't pick one but being a mom is a big achievement for me since I was clueless about kids before I had Claire. I feel good that I have come this far!
9. What was your biggest failure? Not being patient at times really hurt those around me.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury? No. I remained pretty healthy this year so I felt pretty lucky! Claire was such a healthy baby this first year as well so it was a double blessing.
11. What was the best thing you bought? We did quite a bit this year to complete our home so this is a tough question. Probably our new camera and the desk for the loft! Love them both!
12. Where did most of your money go? House landscaping/furnishings, diapers, & formula.
13. What did you get really, really, really excited about? Claire saying "Mama" made my year! It makes my day everyday really. It was bigger than any other milestone for me.
14. What song will always remind you of 2008? I know it came out last year but Alicia Keys - No One, will remind me of this year. It reminds me of Claire and I when she was an infant.
15. Compared to this time last year, are you:a) happier or sadder? b) thinner or fatter? Much much happier...the fog of baby land is over and that is awesome. I am sadly fatter though! LOL! I lost all the baby weight and then gained 10 lbs starting in April until now! ARGH!
16. What do you wish you’d done more of? Take walks, breathe, and listen.
17. What do you wish you’d done less of? Worrying...I worry about worrying!
18. How did you spend Christmas? We stayed in AZ with Eric's family. We had an awesome Christmas Eve at our house and we went to church at the park in our neighborhood which was so fun. We hadn't made time to go to church the past few years. We started a new tradition with the whole family...church, hot buttered rums out by the fire, and homemade chicken pot pies for dinner. We will most definitely be doing it again in the years to come! On Christmas day we went over to Tom & Carla's house for dinner. Claire being older this Christmas made things alot easier.
19. Did you fall in love in 2008? Yes. Love like I have never known before!
20. What was your favorite TV program? General Hospital; Brothers and Sisters; Oprah
21. What was the best book you read? Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
22. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? I turned 31 and it was on Mother's Day this year. It was a nice day wrapped all into one. We had just gotten back from our vacation in Mexico so we just relaxed at home with Claire.
23. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008? Trying to stay cute and not mommy sloppy!
24. What kept you sane? My friends and Starbucks.
25. What political issue stirred you the most? Our election. It was awesome to see all the interest in our presidential race this year.
26. Who did you miss? Amy...my friend in Austin. She is pregnant with her first baby and oh how I would love to go hang out and shop for baby stuff!
27. Who was the best new person you met? I can't pick just one! In Jan of this year I joined a baby & mommy group here in Gilbert and it was the best thing I could have ever done. They all saved my life in some way b/c I was really needing friendship in our new city with a new baby.
28. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2008. Be yourself and make your own choices based on your own principles. Let your friends make their choices as well and don't judge.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Backyard fun
We are finally landscaping our backyard! YAH!! The concrete to extend our patio and create a fireplace area has already been poured as you can see in the picture. We had to move all the furniture back off of the concrete so the "stamping" can begin. Stamped concrete will give the illusion of stones at the end of this process. Claire has enjoyed playing on all the open space and even running around on the rocks. We decided against grass but I am sure Claire won't miss it much being a true Arizona girl! I will post pics once the yard is done. Someday we may add some plants or trees but for now "done" means rocks and stamped concrete! We also want to add a play house for Claire. We have eyed one at Sam's Club that is perfect. She will love it!

Friday, December 26, 2008
Christmas 2008
A chef is born!! Claire loved her kitchen set she got for Christmas. She also fell in love with her "laptop". She is pretty obsessed with opening and closing it and pushing all the buttons. Everything she has wanted to do to my computer but hasn't been allowed!
We had a great Christmas. We had Eric's brother, Bill, fly in at the last minute from Seattle and escape the snow. Tom, Carla and her brother Eric joined us for Christmas Eve church and dinner. The service was held in the park in our neighborhood so we walked down the street and Claire was able to run around and play when she got too antsy. She loved the holiday music! We walked back home and enjoyed some chicken pot pies, salad, and an awesome chocolate wafer dessert that Eric made. We sat out by the fire and drank hot buttered rums. The next day we went over to Tom and Carla's house for Christmas dinner and had another wonderful meal. We went and looked at Christmas lights and a house in their neighborhood that has a train out front and decorates the mountain behind their house with giant snowflakes that light up. It was incredible and Claire loved the lights!
That about sums up our Christmas holiday. We enjoyed family time together and of course Claire made everyone's Christmas that much sweeter. She may not "get it" yet but she sure loves all the attention and hugs from her aunts and uncles. We feel pretty blessed!

We had a great Christmas. We had Eric's brother, Bill, fly in at the last minute from Seattle and escape the snow. Tom, Carla and her brother Eric joined us for Christmas Eve church and dinner. The service was held in the park in our neighborhood so we walked down the street and Claire was able to run around and play when she got too antsy. She loved the holiday music! We walked back home and enjoyed some chicken pot pies, salad, and an awesome chocolate wafer dessert that Eric made. We sat out by the fire and drank hot buttered rums. The next day we went over to Tom and Carla's house for Christmas dinner and had another wonderful meal. We went and looked at Christmas lights and a house in their neighborhood that has a train out front and decorates the mountain behind their house with giant snowflakes that light up. It was incredible and Claire loved the lights!
That about sums up our Christmas holiday. We enjoyed family time together and of course Claire made everyone's Christmas that much sweeter. She may not "get it" yet but she sure loves all the attention and hugs from her aunts and uncles. We feel pretty blessed!

Thursday, December 18, 2008
Oh! You beautiful doll,
...you great big beautiful doll!!!I know I am
her mom so that makes me bias but she is so stinkin cute. I finally
broke down at 14 months old and got portraits taken of Claire. It was
worth it. She came in fighting and "stress-tested" that dress (and the
tights, shoes, and hair clip) kicking and screaming but she recovered
and we got some good shots. Can't wait to send the family their copies. I
told them they will need to clear some wall space for all of her 5x7
photos I ordered! HA!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
It's actually been kind of chilly lately! It's awesome. Winter has finally arrived. Claire was all bundled up in her fur lined hoodie and loving the cool air!
Not much new lately to report. We are spending our holiday here in AZ with Eric's brother and his wife. It will just be a small gathering. We don't do presents for each other anymore which is nice. No stress of holiday shopping. The only person I buy a gift for is Abby (my niece). Kids are fun to shop for. Claire gets the hookup from all of her relatives! It's wonderful. We are currently landscaping our backyard and that is Eric and I's gift to each other! That is how Eric and I do gifts now....we buy something big for the house or a little something we have wanted and that's our holiday or birthday gift.
Happy Holiday Season!!!
Saturday, December 13, 2008

Santa knows his stuff. He rattled off a statistic to me that 85% of kids Claire's age do not like the old fat man! He was right! I think the picture speaks for itself. I feel horrible just looking at this picture. What was I thinking? That she would miraculously smile when the photographer started to jingle some bells and the elf did her happy dance? Um, no...she kept telling me, "NO NO GO!!". Pretty sure this is gonna cost us in therapy down the road! :) I know we will laugh about this someday when she is older. In the years to come I have no doubt she will learn to love Santa and tell him all her wishes for Christmas.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
What she's doing now...

Claire is currently fascinated with.... Elmo, Elmo, Elmo!
She loves to say... NO! She has varying degrees of the word no as well. Different tones and moods.
She recently did something so funny/cute when she... said "OHH COOL!" over and over and over for her aunts and uncles. So funny.
The personality trait I see beginning to develop that is rather new is... separation anxiety big time when we leave a room but I know that is temporary. Claire has no fear in most new situations.
Her favorite toy of the moment is... her Busy Ball Popper and Elmo TMX.
Foods she is really liking now... Broccoli, baked potatoes, and Morning Star veggie burgers
I can occupy her easy by... giving her goldfish and an Elmo or Baby Einstein movie.
Claire's favorite time of day is... morning, especially weekend mornings with Daddy. Breakfast and cartoons!
When Claire is in a bad mood, she... cries and stomps her feet. Lately it doesn't take much to send her into extreme crying when we take something from her or tell her no.
She melts my heart when... she says runs back and forth between Eric and I to give us hugs and kisses.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
I am probably 3 or 4 in this picture with my Grandma. I love how much we are enjoying ourselves just relaxing. I find it even funnier that she is smoking a cigarette! 1981 for ya!
My grandmother passed away on November 30. She was 80 years old and lived a good life. The past couple of years were hard on her without my Pa. So I feel at peace knowing she is with him again and in a better place.
She will be buried in Kermit, TX. I am not traveling there for the graveside service but my mom and brother are attending. I am thinking about them during this time and sending long distance hugs.
My grandmother passed away on November 30. She was 80 years old and lived a good life. The past couple of years were hard on her without my Pa. So I feel at peace knowing she is with him again and in a better place.
She will be buried in Kermit, TX. I am not traveling there for the graveside service but my mom and brother are attending. I am thinking about them during this time and sending long distance hugs.
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