See ya tattoo!! It will be a long year but in the big picture of life a year is nothing. That's how long it will take before the tattoo on my foot will become a memory. Tattoos are a way of expression for many people. Unfortunately, later in life you tend to not see them as necessary anymore to express your feelings. Or
atleast I don't feel the need anymore...not on my foot anyway. Tattoos are addictive. I have 4 total. I truly only love the one on my stomach. It's means something to me...and I had it done with my best friend. I love it. It went through my pregnancy and came back just fine! Not that I regret the others but I just don't care about them anymore. Since the process of laser removal is painful and expensive I am just removing the one on my foot. It's just ugly and been such a pain in the work world. No makeup really covers a tattoo. I don't care what they promise. I had my first treatment on Friday. It hurt but it was quick. I am ready for the long road ahead. What doesn't hurt is the fact that the doc is a total beefcake
hottie. Dr.
We have been shopping this weekend for house stuff again. Piece by piece we are making our home just as we want it to be. We got a new table for our kitchen. Since we don't have a formal dining room in our house we wanted a table that could be casual enough for the kitchen area but have a leaf in it to make it a nice big dinner table for the family. We settled on a
counter height table which is so fun! We got some much needed pots and pans finally as well. We have been using our collegiate looking pots for too long! We are not serious chefs but having a decent pot is something every adult should have in their lifetime!
I am also making new curtains with my friend Liz. She sews and has good taste. With her guidance I am making our home a cozier place. The last addition to my creative streak is a ribbon picture board for Claire's room. It's going to be so cute. I want to have a display of pictures of her first year out at her birthday party and the ribbon board will be perfect. Claire is having 2 family...and one friends. She is ONE for crying out loud. It's a special day though so we should celebrate!
I will post pics of all my creations soon!